New members are always welcome!
Annual Membership Fees
Individual Arena Membership Fee $60.00
Family Arena Membership Fee $100.00
VAS Membership Fee: $1.00/Person
Sign up Forms are on the Resource Page
Be part of this great organization
we have made investments in many sectors in the past, supporting the community with close to 1 million Dollars since inception.
Our mission is to provide support through resources, facilities and events to enrich and inspire vibrancy in the community.
With our vision as a recognized leader, inspiring vibrancy and growth for everyone in the community we hope to better the quality of life in our community going forward creating inclusion to everyone living in our community and surrounding area.
Did you know that there are 291 Agricultural Societies in Alberta 1 Major, 7 Regionals, 283 Primary?
Calgary Stampede formed in 1884 and is the oldest Agricultural Society in Alberta.
700 facilities are owned and operated by Ag Societies in Alberta.
There is a reported attendance at event stages by Primary Ag Societies of 1.6 million people in 2015.
52K volunteers putting in over 590,000 hours annually or $8.9 Million in volunteer labour by Primary Ag Societies.
More than $300K in student scholarships and bursaries are distributed annually by the primary Ag Societies.
Of course this is not possible without volunteers, come and form some new friendships.
Scholarship Information
The Vauxhall Agricultural Society is pleased to sponsor a scholarship for VHS graduates in an agricultural related course of studies at a College, University or Technical School. This is for first year students only.
Please send a letter of application, stating your name, educational institution where you have been accepted, course of studies and reasons why you should be awarded this scholarship.
Deadline for applications is June 30th Annually!